A more efficient, transparent Mortgage Industry

Suitable For Ethereum Blockchain ERC20
Token ICO

Circulating 250,000,000 MTG Total Supply
Contract Address:

What Is Mortgage (MTG)?

The world’s first enterprise blockchain solution for mortgage loans and transactions.

Mortgage is developing an advanced marketplace to source, trade, invest, and exchange ownership in the 13 Trillion dollar mortgage industry.

What Is It Currently Used For?

Mortgage coin is a white label reward Token for the mortgage industry. It allows consumers and partners to be stakeholders in the collective group of mortgage companies using mortgage coin. For the mortgage company it is a way to say thank you to all parties on a closed Transactions CD. A digital token that you can trade in mortgage coin for things like appraisals, Home Inspections, Home Warranties, and credit reviews with a full tri merge credit report (consumer copy) and Company swag. There will be options for marketing ventures and client building activities that partners can also trade the coin in for.


Mortgage (MTG)
Is A Game Changer

Use Cases

Secure and Decentralized Platform: MTG provides a secure and decentralized platform for borrowers and lenders to transact without intermediaries, reducing transaction costs, improving efficiency, and increasing transparency.

Fast Processing Time: MTG's decentralized platform enables faster processing times, as transactions can be processed in real-time, without the need for intermediaries.

Smart Contract Automation: MTG uses smart contracts to automate the mortgage process, reducing the need for intermediaries, and streamlining the transaction process.

MTG can also utilize Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to provide a secure and tamper-proof way of storing mortgage-related documents. NFTs are unique digital assets that can represent any type of digital or physical object, including documents. By issuing NFTs for mortgage-related documents, MTG can provide a secure and tamper-proof way of storing these documents on the blockchain, ensuring that they cannot be modified, deleted, or duplicated. This feature can provide greater transparency and accountability, as all parties involved in the mortgage process can verify the authenticity and integrity of the documents.

Mortgage (MTG)
Is Currently Available On Pancakeswap

Purchasing Mortgage (MTG) on PancakeSwap.finance is a quick and easy process. As a decentralized exchange built on the Binance Smart Chain, PancakeSwap allows users to trade various cryptocurrencies, including MTG, without the need for a central authority. To buy MTG, users simply need to connect their cryptocurrency wallet to PancakeSwap, import the MTG token address, enter the amount they wish to purchase, and confirm the transaction. With PancakeSwap's low fees and fast transaction speeds, users can acquire MTG with ease.
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We Have Big Plans & A Bright Future
2022 13May
2022 13May
2022 5Aug
2022 19Oct
2023 4Apr
2023 6Jun
2023 7Jun
2023 8Oct
2023 9Dec
2024 10Mar

Mortgage (MTG) Development

Launch of the MTG cryptocurrency and beta platform.

Listing On PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange built on the Binance Smart Chain, a fast and inexpensive alternative to Ethereum.

Colorado Mortgage Team Partners With MTG

The Colorado Mortgage Team specializes in home mortgage loans, home equity and mortgage refinancing.

Digilife Partners With MTG

Digilife is a cryptocurrency investment consortium.

MTG Website & Social Media

Website published.

MTG Rewards Program

Launch of a rewards program for MTG partners, offering discounts and other incentives for active holders.

Prediction Market

Introduction of a prediction market on the MTG platform, allowing investors to speculate on future mortgage rates and other market trends.

Improve Risk Assessment & Credit Scoring

Development of machine learning algorithms to improve risk assessment and credit scoring for mortgage loans.


Introduction of a decentralized exchange on our site for seamless trading of MTG and other cryptocurrencies.

MTG Platform Launch

Launch of a tokenization platform on the MTG platform, enabling fractional ownership of mortgage-backed securities.

Whitepaper & Legal Disclaimer


The mortgage industry is one of the most significant financial sectors worldwide, with trillions of dollars in transactions processed annually. However, the traditional process of acquiring a mortgages involves several intermediaries, including mortgage brokers, banks, and other financial institutions, leading to high transaction costs, lengthy processing times, and bureaucratic inefficiencies. MTG plans to address these challenges by providing a decentralized, secure, and transparent platform for borrowers and lenders to transact seamlessly, securely, and efficiently.

Use Cases

Mortgage payments: Mortgage holders could use MTG to make monthly mortgage payments. This would allow for faster and more secure transactions, as well as reduce the need for intermediaries such as banks.

Tokenized mortgages: Mortgages could be tokenized using MTG, allowing for the creation of a secondary market for mortgage-backed securities. This would increase liquidity and provide new investment opportunities for investors.

Smart contracts: MTG could be used to create smart contracts for mortgages, which would automate the process of mortgage origination and servicing. This would increase efficiency and reduce costs for lenders and borrowers.

Escrow services: MTG could be used for escrow services in real estate transactions. This would allow for secure and transparent handling of funds, reducing the risk of fraud and increasing trust between buyers and sellers.

Refinancing: MTG could be used for refinancing mortgages. This would allow borrowers to take advantage of lower interest rates and reduce their monthly payments.

International mortgages: MTG could be used for international mortgages, allowing for faster and more secure cross-border transactions. This would be particularly useful for expats or individuals purchasing property abroad.

Mortgage insurance: MTG could be used for mortgage insurance, providing protection to lenders in case of default. This would reduce risk for lenders and allow for more flexible lending criteria for borrowers.

MTG can also utilize Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to provide a secure and tamper-proof way of storing mortgage-related documents. NFTs are unique digital assets that can represent any type of digital or physical object, including documents. By issuing NFTs for mortgage-related documents, MTG can provide a secure and tamper-proof way of storing these documents on the blockchain, ensuring that they cannot be modified, deleted, or duplicated. This feature can provide greater transparency and accountability, as all parties involved in the mortgage process can verify the authenticity and integrity of the documents.

Token Distribution:

The total supply of Mortgage (MTG) is set at 250 million tokens. These tokens will be distributed as follows:

50% of the tokens will be allocated to a reserve fund, which will be used to incentivize developers and fund future development.

35% of the tokens will be used for community development and marketing efforts, such as airdrops, rewards, and partnerships.

15% of the tokens will be allocated to the team and advisors to reward their efforts in building the project and supporting its growth.

Token Utility: Mortgage (MTG) will be used as the native token on our decentralized mortgage lending platform. Users will be able to borrow and lend using MTG, and will receive discounts on fees for using the token.

Token Supply: The supply of MTG is fixed at 250 million tokens, with no additional tokens to be minted. This creates a scarcity of the token, which may increase its value over time. The team may periodically buy back and burn MTG tokens using a portion of the platform's profits, further reducing the token supply and increasing its value.

The Mortgage (MTG) token is designed to incentivize participation in our decentralized mortgage lending platform, while also providing value to its holders through discounts on fees through our partners and potential increases in value due to its fixed supply and token buybacks. By carefully managing the token distribution and utility, we believe that Mortgage (MTG) can become a valuable asset for both our platform and the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Legal Disclaimer

The MTG team understands the importance of complying with all legal and regulatory requirements applicable to its jurisdiction. However, the team cannot provide any legal or financial advice to users of MTG. The following legal disclaimer is intended to provide users with an understanding of the legal and regulatory risks associated with the use of MTG.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Users of MTG are responsible for ensuring that their use of the platform complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies. This includes compliance with anti-money laundering and know-your-customer regulations, as well as any other relevant laws or regulations applicable to the use of blockchain technology. The MTG team does not accept liability for any loss or damage resulting from the failure of users to comply with these legal and regulatory requirements.

Token Issuance

MTG is a BEP-20 token issued on the Binance Smart Chain. The issuance of MTG tokens does not constitute an offer of securities or any other type of investment product. MTG tokens are not intended to be used for any investment or speculative purposes. The MTG team does not make any guarantees regarding the value or performance of MTG tokens.

Use of the MTG Platform

Users of the MTG platform are responsible for their use of the platform, including any transactions or interactions with other users. The MTG team does not accept liability for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the MTG platform. Users of the platform are advised to conduct their own due diligence before engaging in any transactions or interactions with other users.

Smart Contracts

MTG may utilize smart contracts to automate the mortgage process. While smart contracts are designed to be secure and tamper-proof, they are not infallible. The MTG team does not accept liability for any loss or damage resulting from the failure of smart contracts, including any errors or vulnerabilities in the code.

Non-Fungible Tokens

MTG may utilize Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to provide a secure and tamper-proof way of storing mortgage-related documents. The use of NFTs for mortgage-related documents may be subject to additional legal and regulatory requirements, including those related to data privacy and intellectual property rights. Users of MTG are responsible for ensuring that their use of NFTs complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

No Warranty

The MTG platform is provided "as is" and without any warranty or representation of any kind, whether express or implied. The MTG team does not make any guarantees regarding the availability, functionality, or performance of the MTG platform.

Limitation of Liability

The MTG team does not accept liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of the MTG platform. This includes any loss or damage resulting from the use or inability to use the platform, the loss of MTG tokens or any other digital assets, or any other loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of the platform.

Governing Law

This legal disclaimer is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which MTG is issued. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this legal disclaimer shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the jurisdiction in which MTG is issued.


The MTG team is committed to providing a secure and decentralized platform for the mortgage industry. However, users of the platform are responsible for ensuring that their use of MTG complies with all legal and regulatory requirements applicable to their jurisdiction. The legal disclaimer is intended to provide users with an understanding of the legal and regulatory risks associated with the use of MTG. Users of MTG are advised to consult with their legal and financial advisors before using the platform

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we manage your personal information when you use our website.

Information We Do Not Collect

We do not collect any personal information from you when you use our website. We do not use cookies or other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of our website.

How We Use Your Information

Since we do not collect any personal information, we do not use your information for any purpose.

Disclosure of Your Information

Since we do not collect any personal information, we do not disclose your information to any third parties.

Security of Your Information Since we do not collect any personal information, we do not store any information about you.

Retention of Your Information

Since we do not collect any personal information, we do not retain any information about you.

Your Rights

Since we do not collect any personal information, you do not have any rights with respect to your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Since we do not collect any personal information, we do not anticipate any changes to this Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: contact@mortgagecrypto.io

Frequently Asked Questions

What blockchain is Mortgage (MTG) on?

Mortgage (MTG) is a BEP-20 token, which means it follows a technical standard for tokens on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The BSC is a blockchain platform that is designed to be fast, secure, and cost-effective. It is built on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which means that it is compatible with many of the same tools and infrastructure as the Ethereum network.

As a BEP-20 token, Mortgage (MTG) uses the same standard as other tokens on the BSC. This means that it can be easily traded and integrated with other projects and platforms that use BEP-20 tokens. Additionally, BEP-20 tokens can be stored in any wallet that supports the Binance Smart Chain.

What can I use Mortgage (MTG) cryptocurrency for?

Currently, Mortgage (MTG) is being used as a white label reward token for the mortgage industry. Consumers and partners can receive Mortgage coin as a thank you for their involvement in closed transactions. Mortgage companies can use Mortgage coin to offer rewards such as appraisals, home inspections, home warranties, and credit reviews with a full tri-merge credit report.

What are is the purpose?

The purpose of Mortgage (MTG) is to revolutionize the mortgage industry by providing a secure and efficient way to trade, invest, and exchange ownership in mortgage loans.

How Secure is Mortgage (MTG)?

From a technical standpoint, MTG's security features are based on several key elements. Firstly, MTG implements a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm known as the Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus mechanism. This algorithm ensures that a transaction cannot be validated until it has been confirmed by a specific number of nodes in the network. This helps to prevent any potential attacks on the network by ensuring that only legitimate transactions are validated and confirmed.

Additionally, MTG employs several other security measures, including the use of a smart contract auditing tool called MythX, which is used to check the safety and security of smart contracts before they are deployed on the network. This helps to minimize the risk of vulnerabilities or bugs in the smart contract code that could be exploited by attackers.

Furthermore, MTG uses a robust encryption system to secure data transmitted over the network. All data sent between nodes on the network is encrypted using SSL/TLS encryption, which provides end-to-end security for all transactions and communications.

What is the Total Supply of Mortgage (MTG)?

250 Million

What exchanges list Mortgage (MTG)?
